
Create your free WhatsApp links

1. Enter a cell phone number including the country code, no need for the + sign or brackets.

2. Write the message you want to appear when automatically redirecting to the WhatsApp number.

3. Click on the button: Generate

4. Copy the generated link and using the “Right Click” save image function proceed to download your QR code for use on business cards, advertisements etc. You’ve got it!

WhatsApp link generator

Código QR


Create your vCard in seconds, for free!

WhatMás creates your vCard instantly. It’s the easiest way to share your contact information, including phone number and social media details, all in one place.

QR or Quick response codes are the evolution of the barcode. They are modules for storing information in a dot matrix or two-dimensional barcode.

The QR code can be printed on your business cards, brochures, websites and much more. Visit WhatMás now to discover more possibilities!

vCard Plus QR Code

Código QR
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